Mountain Village

So Friday we taught a full school day of English at a school in the mountain village, maybe 3 hours away from the city. It started off with some games and the Aggies entertaining with a couple of skits.  Then we were paired up and in charge of stations so that 140 kids rotated between them. I’m not gonna lie, the kids hands down loved my station the most. Literally, hands down, it would have been difficult to make their friendship bracelets if their hands were up. Ben and Matt of course were exhausted after teaching all about anteaters, polar bears, goats, and slacklining. All of the kids now know all about clothing in English thanks to Abbie and Jenica’s station. And if you ever give a direct command to a Thai person and they understand, it will probably, statistically speaking, be thanks to Jared and his “Jared Says” station.

Ben and I were also nearly trampled by a mob of 100 kids, each child thinking only of the candy we were holding in our hands. They climbed on Ben, with maybe 10 latching onto his legs, knocking him over into a bush. Great Success!

They loved us so much, now the plan is for the Aggies to head back and spend two nights in the village to teach some more next week! I hope God will really encourage the Christians in the village, because I know they are such a minority there and hopefully we can bring some energy and a larger sense of community to these resourceful people, since as of right now they will probably be housing us. Thank God we can participate in the work of the spiritual giants that have come before us and that take care of us now. We are so lucky to get the chance to work with the great Christians in Chang Mai, thank you for helping us get here!

– Cameron

* Edit – Jared calculated and we think today was the halfway point of our trip. It is a little sad because it brings a little feeling of coming close to the end, but also feels strange because we’re not sure how so much seems to have fit into only half the trip.

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1 Response to Mountain Village

  1. Cameron's mom says:

    Sounds like things are going well! Just don’t start a riot with the candy!

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